Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals
[3] Mathieu, A. (2024). Foundations and conditions of green jobs in developing economies: Systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. Development and Sustainability in Economics and Finance. 100016.
[2] Mathieu, A. (2024). Bibliometric dataset (1995-2022) on green jobs : A comprehensive analysis of scientific publications. Data in Brief, 52, 109845.
[1] Mathieu, A. Taranco, A. (2023). Insularité et souveraineté dans les politiques de lutte contre la COVID-19. Mondes en développement, 204, 35-58.
Book chapters
[1] Mathieu, A. Rihi, Y. Massera, M. Moing, L. Nguirane, M.M. Madioune, E.M. Randriantseheno, M. Pian, L. (2024) “Doctoral inequalities between the Global North and the Global South: an initial exploration through literature” in Meyer, J-B. Benguerna, M. Lounaci, A. [Eds.] Doctoral Studies in Africa. African Minds. [coming soon] / ≪ Inégalités doctorales entre les Nords et les Suds : une première exploration depuis la littérature ≫ in Meyer, J-B. Benguerna, M. Lounaci, A. [Eds.] Le doctorat dans les Afriques. éditions IRD. [coming soon]
Working papers
[1] Mathieu, A. Taranco, A. Geronimi, V. A Dataset on Covid-19 Responses in Small Island Economies. Available at SSRN 4651669.
Work in progress
[3] Geronimi, V. Mathieu, A. Rihi, Y. Pian, L. Magalhaes, L.V.P. “Vers une transition juste de la recherche : le cas d’une unité mixte internationale (UMI)”.
[2] Mathieu, A. “Green jobs in times of crisis: resilience, challenges and prospects”. Work in progress.
[1] Mathieu, A. “Economic performance of green jobs in marginalized economies”. Work in progress.
[2] Mathieu, A. (2023). BDGJ - Bibliometric Dataset on Green Jobs. Recherche Data Gouv, V1.
[1] Mathieu, A. (2023). SIECRT - Small Island Economies COVID-19 Response Tracker. Recherche Data Gouv, V1.
[2] Mathieu, A., Taranco, A. (2022) ≪ Poster : Insularité et souveraineté dans les politiques de lutte contre la COVID-19 ≫. 〈hal-04336522〉
[1] N’Da, L.K., Kouassi, A.K., Kouakou Die A.G., Kone D.H., Mathieu, A. (2023) Regards croisés Côte d’Ivoire / France : l’activité verte comme levier pour renforcer la résilience des territoires
Other publications
[3] Goujon, M., Lucic, N. Mathieu, A. (2023). Veille Internet : petites économies insulaires, chocs et résilience. Mondes en développement, 204, 179-186.
[2] Mathieu, A., Pian, L., Ba, M., Madioune, E. M., Moign, L., N’Da, L., Nguirane, M. M., Randriant-seheno, M., Rihi, Y. (2023). Disparités doctorales entre Nord et Sud : bilan et stratégies de coordination juste à l’UMI SOURCE (2022-2023). 〈hal-04336522〉
[1] Mathieu, A. Synthèse des XXXVIIèmes Journées du développement de l’ATM, Cahiers de l’Association Tiers-Monde, n°38 - 2023.
Research program
Working Group on Doctoral Disparities and Inequalities / Groupe de travail sur les Disparités et Inégalités Doctorales (GTDID)
In collaboration with doctoral students, researchers and research support staff, I took part in the formation of the GTDID, focusing on inequalities in doctoral research between North and South regions. We are conducting an analysis of doctoral conditions, highlighting the challenges of cultural and academic diversity, and carrying out an exhaustive review of the literature on doctoral disparities between North and South. The study focuses on the causes of these inequalities, such as funding, access to resources and working conditions, and their impact on developing research. A groundbreaking comparative empirical study is being organized, using mixed methods. This group is part of the IRD Working Group on Inequalities, with the participation of researchers and doctoral students.
First productions:
Mathieu, A. Rihi, Y. Massera, M. Moing, L. Nguirane, M.M. Madioune, E.M. Randriantseheno, M. Pian, L. (2024) “Doctoral inequalities between the Global North and the Global South: an initial exploration through literature” in Dotoral Studies in Africa. Ed. J-B. Meyer, A. African Minds. [coming soon]
Mathieu, A. Rihi, Y. Massera, M. Moing, L. Nguirane, M.M. Madioune, E.M. Randriantseheno, M. Pian, L. (2024) “Inégalités doctorales entre les Nords et les Suds : une première exploration depuis la littérature” in Le doctorat dans les Afriques. Ed. J-B. Meyer, A. éditions IRD. [coming soon]
Mathieu, A. Pian, L. Ba, M. Madioune, E.M. Moing, L. N’da, L. Nguirane, M.M. Randriantseheno, M. Rihi, Y. (2024) Disparités doctorales entre Nord et Sud : bilan et stratégies de « coordination juste » à l’UMI SOURCE (2022-2023). 2023. ⟨hal-04336522⟩
POLICIES and Institutions in small island economies (SIE) for better resilience in response to the COVID crisis (POLIR)
Directed by V. Geronimi for UMI SOURCE (ex-CEMOTEV) (France), LARJE (New Caledonia), CERDI (France), LC2S (Martinique), CEMOI (Réunion), ATOM (Guadeloupe), Massey University (New Zealand), LAVUE (Mayotte), PRINTEMPS (France). The POLIR project aims to analyse the role of policies and institutions in the socio-economic resilience of SIE in the face of the COVID 19 pandemic. The project thus aims to assess the capacity of SIE to regain, renew or reinvent their economic activities, depending on policies, institutions and development models in the face of the pandemic.
I took part in this program as part of my M2 internship, which resulted in several scientific productions:
Mathieu, A. Taranco, A. (2023). Insularité et souveraineté dans les politiques de lutte contre la COVID-19. Mondes en développement, 204, 35-58.
Mathieu, A. Taranco, A. Geronimi, V. A Dataset on Covid-19 Responses in Small Island Economies. Available at SSRN 4651669.
Mathieu, A. (2023). SIECRT - Small Island Economies COVID-19 Response Tracker. Recherche Data Gouv, V1.
SIECRT dataset is deposited in the Recherche Data Gouv data warehouse. This dataset focuses on public health measures taken by 26 small affiliated island economies in their fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, from January 2020 to April 2021, with exceptions up to October 2021. Unique in its kind, it focuses on affiliated (or non-independent) island economies, usually overlooked in other databases, and includes eight daily-coded public health measures, such as restrictions on gatherings, educational establishments and international travel.